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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leg Radiation Week 2

This week Carl continues outpatient Radiation with concurrent chemotherapy at Froedtert. The Monday infusion of chemotherapy drugs interacts with and stimulates the daily radiation. I hope it annoys the cancer cells!

Last week, on Monday, April 19, 2010, Carl got a dose of Chemotherapy. On Tuesday April 20 - Friday April 23, 2010 Carl got radiation treatments 1 to 4 to his left leg each day.

This week, on Monday, April 26, 2010, Carl got a dose of Chemotherapy and his 5th radiation treatment to his leg. On Tuesday April 27 - Friday April 30, 2010 Carl plans on getting radiation treatments 6 - 9; and on Monday, May 3 - Friday May 7, 2010 Carl should get radiation treatments 10 - 14 each morning. We are getting used to the daily drive to Froedtert Hospital. I am glad Froedtert is so close - others travel from much further to get treated. At least now the route is getting pretty with flowering trees and green grass everywhere.

After radiation on Tuesday through Friday Carl goes to work.

Carl has a good attitude, and he has a fuzzy head of - fuzz. (You can't call him bald at the moment, but you can't really call it hair yet.) I love running my fingers through his hair though. "Touch me head for good luck" Carl says in his best British accent. (or Irish?) He resembles a British Rock star or soccer player (we think), though why the British would mess up the English language like that (touch me head?) I don't know. Nevertheless, the children and I like to touch the soft ducky fuzz that is growing back in.

I hope his treatment keeps going this smoothly. That's all for now!

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